## Northern Virginia Linux Users Group (NoVaLUG) ### 21 September 2024 Meeting WIFI: NovaLug / NovaLug2024 **VISITORS MUST SIGN IN!** --- # Meeting Logisitcs * **ALL VISITORS MUST SIGN IN** * Be sure to get your "chaser" ticket for to get free parking. * Many thanks to Ridgeline International --- # WiFi SSID: NovaLug Password: NovaLug2024 --- # Streaming * This meeting is being recorded and streamed on-line. * https://links.novalug.org/stream --- # Meeting Notes All links are provided in the meeting notes. It is a collaborative space and everybody can contribute additional notes and links. http://links.novalug.org/notes --- # NoVaLUG Deets | | | | -- | -- | | Website | https://novalug.org/ | | Mailing List |https://links.novalug.org/list | | Masto/Fedi | https://links.novalug.org/masto | | Discord | https://links.novalug.org/discord | | LinkedIn | https://links.novalug.org/linkedin | --- # Ice Breaker! _We aren't that creative this month._ Let's go around the room, and everyone state your name, handle, MAC address, process ID, or other identifier. Also, do you prefer tabs or space? --- # Jobs Raise your hand if you have a job opening and you want to quickly describe it. Two jobs in notes: 1. Database Reliability Engineer 2. Security Engineer ------ Please put any job links in the notes. <https://links.novalug.org/notes> --- # FOSS Tech News All links are provided in the meeting notes. http://links.novalug.org/notes --- ## AWS Donates OpenSearch to the Linux Foundation AWS announced it’s transferring OpenSearch, its fork of ElasticSearch, to the Linux Foundation. --- ## Linux Players Barred from GTA V Rockstar Games bans all Linux players. --- ## Valkey 8.0: First Major Release The first release of Valkey, the open source fork of Redis, is now available. It offers improved performance, reliability, and observability. --- ## Linux Market: $24.3 billion in 2032 The global Linux market was estimated to be valued at $7.8 billion in 2022. Allied Analytics predicts the global Linux market will be valued at $24.3 billion by 2032. --- ## 20 Years Later: FreeCAD 1.0 RC1 FreeCAD has been in development for 20 years. Finally, 1.0 Release Candidate 1 is ready. --- ## Swift 6.0 Released Apple has released Swift 6.0, their open source competitor to C, C++, Zig, and Rust. This release introduces a new concurrency compile-type code analyzer similar to Rust's borrow checker and an embedded language subset. --- # FOSS Area Events All links are provided in the meeting notes. http://links.novalug.org/notes --- ## DC Systems #1 DC Systems is an independent tech talk series focused on systems programming here in DC and the broader DMV area. We are focused on high quality talks and expert speakers. Talks about engineering, not product pitches. * When: 8 October 2024, 6pm - 8pm US-ET * Where: 8607 Westwood Center Dr suite 550, Vienna, VA 22182, USA --- ## Open Source AI Definition Town Hall Join Stefano Maffulli, Executive Director at the Open Source Initiative to hear the latest news, and comment on the drafts of the Open Source AI Definition. * When: Friday, 18 October 2024 * Where: Virtual --- ## Maker Faire NoVa From engineers to artists to scientists to crafters, Maker Faire is a venue for these "makers" to show hobbies, experiments, projects. * When: Sunday, 20 October 2024 * Where: City of Alexandria High School --- # Call for Presentations * Do you have a Linux or FOSS related topic you can present? * Have you always wanted Darren to mis-pronounce your name in public? <br> <br> Then please consider volunteering to give a presentation. See Andy after the meeting. --- # Main Presentation: Robot Operating Systems A light introduction to fundamental concepts in autonomous robotics including a brief overview of robots/robotics, the sense-plan-act paradigm that defines the discipline of robotics as the study of embodied intelligence, and ROS - Robot Operating System ("the Linux of Robotics"). Presenter: Sravan Balaji.
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