## Northern Virginia Linux Users Group (NoVaLUG) ### 18 January 2025 Meeting WIFI: NovaLug / NovaLug2024 **VISITORS MUST SIGN IN!** --- # Meeting Logisitcs * **ALL VISITORS MUST SIGN IN** * Be sure to get your parking tickets validated before you leave. * Many thanks to Ridgeline International --- # WiFi SSID: NovaLug Password: NovaLug2024 --- # Streaming * This meeting is being recorded and streamed on-line. * https://links.novalug.org/stream --- # Meeting Notes All links are provided in the meeting notes. It is a collaborative space and everybody can contribute additional notes and links. http://links.novalug.org/notes --- # NoVaLUG Links | | | | -- | -- | | Website | https://novalug.org/ | | Mailing List |https://links.novalug.org/list | | Masto/Fedi | https://links.novalug.org/masto | | Discord | https://links.novalug.org/discord | | LinkedIn | https://links.novalug.org/linkedin | --- # Ice Breaker! --- # Jobs Raise your hand if you have a job opening and you want to quickly describe it. ------ Please put any job links in the notes. <https://links.novalug.org/notes> --- # Tech News All links are provided in the meeting notes. http://links.novalug.org/notes --- ## Raspberry Pi 500 and Monitor ![](https://hedge.novalug.org/uploads/fb5a0be6-6180-43a8-b2da-7b690bf475bb.jpeg =50%x50%) --- ## Raspberry Pi 5 16GB ![](https://hedge.novalug.org/uploads/d6d2bade-b967-45c7-8494-7f8e2c3e27d7.jpg =50%x50%) --- ## OpenWRT One ![](https://hedge.novalug.org/uploads/944c088f-611d-4815-9c54-0d3a2cbea37b.png =50%x50%) --- ## RISC-V: Debian 13 "Trixie" Support > The Debian 13 “Trixie” installer comes with support for the latest Linux 6.12 LTS kernel series, which could be the default kernel used in the final release. It also introduces various hardware improvements, starting with support for the RISCV64 architecture, a 64-bit variant of RISC-V. --- ## Mecha Comet: A Modular and Open-Source Linux Handheld ![](https://hedge.novalug.org/uploads/a113a422-cebd-4c87-851c-343dda0bf90a.jpg) --- ## NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nana _SUPER_ * Same hardware as Jetson Orin Nano * Overclocked * $250 --- # Area Events All links are provided in the meeting notes. (anybody! anybody!) http://links.novalug.org/notes --- ## Call for Presentations * Do you have a Linux or FOSS related topic you can present? * Length: from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours. * Topics: beginner to advanced. * Scope: Open and Free Knowledge (i.e. not proprietary stuff) * Polish: any shine of your choice <br> <br> Then please consider volunteering to give a presentation. See Andy after the meeting. --- ## Upcoming Presentations | | | | -- | -- | | February | A Professional's Guide to IPv6 | | March | Ligtening Talks | -------- Send me the title for your lightening talks! --- # HELP SPREAD THE PROPAGANDA Now that we no longer use Meetup.com, we need to find ways to let people know about NoVaLUG. We are looking for ideas and volunteers. --- ## Main Presentation: AI and Agents Jon's presentation will cover the fundamentals of how AI works, cover how an agentic solution is different from an AI solution, some recent news, and take questions. Jon has worked for Microsoft, Google, eBay, and for the last 12 years at Amazon. He left Amazon in July and is working on new AI projects. Presentation: [pptx](https://versionxai-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/jon_versionx_ai/EUwc6c-BHwBBk56ANZJfMWkBVUbFY5AFYoHcjlWVm-f3yw?e=c4g4CC)
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