# Northern Virginia Linux Users Group (NoVaLUG) - 16 March 2024 Meeting
How To Use: Participants are encouraged to add and modify information on this EtherPad board during the meeting. Feel free to use the chat as well. Be kind. Be courteous.
## NoVaLUG Deets
* Mailing List: https://lists.firemountain.net/mailman/listinfo/novalug
* Website: https://novalug.org/
* Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/novalug/
* Who we are: We are a curious, informal, and friendly mix of IT professionals, hobbyists, students, and others with an interest in Linux, Free and Open Source software, and open knowledge. The Northern Virginia Linux Users Group (NoVaLUG) is the oldest LUG in the Northern VA area and likely in the whole of US, established in 1993. Many thanks to those who came before us: John Kennedy, Peter Larsen, and Greg Pryzby.
## Meeting Logistics
* EtherPad: https://board.net/p/novalung_meeting_16-march-2024
* This seating arrangement will be used by the next group. Please help keep the seating orderly for the next group.
* This meeting is being recorded and the recording will be placed on-line.
* WiFi: ArlingtonWireless (open)
* Meeting survey: https://forms.gle/aodgZsPCh3JL3egv9
* Participants List: (see table at the end)
## Future Meetings
Arlington County limits the number of uses for meetings at libraries to four/year. We do plan on meeting next month and every month going forward. The meeting for April may be at the Arlington Central Library, but we are also in talks with Ridgeline (previous meeting spot in Tysons) and Nova Community College / Annandale. We plan to keep meeting times to the same time-frame: usually and around the second Saturday of the month in the mid-morning.
Meeting will be scheduled with/without a main presentation.
## Ice Breaker
> “When introverts are in conflict with each other...it may require a map in order to follow all the silences, nonverbal cues and passive-aggressive behaviors!”
― Adam S. McHugh
# Jobs
## Openings
If you have or know of a job opening, please feel free to announce it here and/or not it in the list below:
* [Nova Community College is seeking Adjunct Professors in Information Technology](http://url-https//jobs.vccs.edu/postings/50331,https://jobs.vccs.edu/postings/50331).
* Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
* [Technical Product Manager](http://url-https//phe.tbe.taleo.net/phe03/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=ICANN&cws=37&rid=2594,https://phe.tbe.taleo.net/phe03/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=ICANN&cws=37&rid=2594)
* [Principal Engineer](http://url-https//phe.tbe.taleo.net/phe03/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=ICANN&cws=37&rid=2633,https://phe.tbe.taleo.net/phe03/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=ICANN&cws=37&rid=2633)
* [Staff Software Engineer](http://url-https//phe.tbe.taleo.net/phe03/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=ICANN&cws=37&rid=2725,https://phe.tbe.taleo.net/phe03/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=ICANN&cws=37&rid=2725)
* American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN):
* [Security Engineer](http://url-https//www.arin.net/about/welcome/careers/openings/#security-engineer,https://www.arin.net/about/welcome/careers/openings/#security-engineer)
* [Senior Site Reliability Engineer](http://url-https//www.arin.net/about/welcome/careers/openings/#senior-site-reliability-engineer,https://www.arin.net/about/welcome/careers/openings/#senior-site-reliability-engineer)
## Seeking
Show of hands of those seeking jobs.
# Main Presentation: Host Files and DNS on Linux by Darren Kara
This presentation is an introduction to how DNS works on Linux,
how to configure and override settings, and a historical
perspective of DNS on Linux.
Darren Kara is an infrastructure engineer and manager at ICANN,
where he is responsible for the operation of one of the Internet’s
13 root DNS servers.
# FOSS Stuff
(We are looking for an individual to run this portion of the meeting on a regular basis. If you are interested, please contact Andy or Matt).
## Tech News
Please feel free to add any Free/Open Source Technology News Items Below:
1. jQuery is the "old-school" JS library powering more websites than any other JS library/framework. It doesn't get much mindshare compared to React in modern web development. The last major release was in 2016. But now, jQuery 4 is coming soon.
1. Many open source projects, and ExpressJS in particular, are experiencing Pull Requeest spam. This may have been sparked by a YouTube tutorial instructing soon-to-be computer science graduates to use GitHub Pull Requests to "stand out".
1. The European Union has created a new Right-to-Repair law.
1. Move over Node, Amazon has released a new open-source Low-Latency Run-Time (LLRT) for Javascript (written in Rust).
1. Not the VisionPro: Apple has released a new open-source configuration language (ala TOML, YAML): PKL.
1. Nginx:
1. Top Nginx contributor Maxim Dounin has tired for F5's management of the project and has forked it into Free Nginx.
1. Cloudflare has open-sourced their own Nginx competitor: Pingora.
1. U.S. Government endorses Rust (and other memory safe languages). Report talks about memory safety in terms of spatial and tomporal access, and names Rust specifically.
1. KDE Plasma 6 was released.
## Area Events
1. Vintage Computer Repair Workshop @ The Computer Museum. 30 March 2024 9am to 9pm. System Source • 338 Clubhouse Rd. Hunt Valley, MD 21031. https://museum.syssrc.com/artifact/events/3000/
# Collaboration
## Side Projects
"Side projects" are tech projects we enjoy working on, often as a hobby. If you have a side project and would like to spend 30 seconds giving a summary of it, please raise your hand. Or feel free to put descriptions and pics below.
### Fio - Vincent
Fio is an open source program for testing storage devices. It runs on
Linux, Windows, macOS, *BSD, etc Used by samsung to test hardware storage.
* https://github.com/axboe/fio
* https://fio.readthedocs.io/
* https://lore.kernel.org/fio/
### "Smart" Alarm Clock - Andy
This alarm clock uses NTP to keep accurate time and change to/from daylight savings. It also has several alarm modes synced to the calendar of my son's highschool. The smarts use a Raspberry Pico.

## Networking / Breakout
Just what it sounds like.... Let's spend some time chatting, mingling, and discussing tech stuff.
# Participants
Participant List: Feel free to add your name/alias and/or social info.
| Name | Social Info |
| -------- | -------- |
| Andy Newton | @rcode3@fosstodon.org |
| Matt Panhans | mpanhans@libremone |
| Zak Zebrowski| |
| Kristi Brown | Kristibrown921@gmail.com |
| VincentFu | vincentfu@gmail.com |
| John Franklin | |
| Travis R. | |
| Darren Kara | darren@thekaras.org |
| Ricardo-Reyes | IN @ ricardoareyes |
| Scott Hood |Jhood6001@gmai l.com |
| Scott Burns | scott@cipher23.com |
| nicholai goodall | github. com/n3k0lai |
| Kent Taylor |KRTaylorIII@protonmail.com |
| Kirby Thornton | rocket@srccode.xyz |
| Sravan Balaji | IN @ sravan-balaji |
| Ed MacDonald | edmacdonald555@gmail.com |
| Chris Hammel | cjhammel@gruru.net |